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Why Therapy?

Writer: Vanessa BruggeVanessa Brugge

Therapy is not just for those who are struggling.

You may be on the fence about going to therapy. You may be dealing with something that you don't think is that big of a deal, but for some reason, there is some nagging feeling deep inside that sends a whisper that "you need help".

Therapy is beneficial to all. At some point in our lives, we would have come to experience some sort of challenge or stress that we struggle to manage effectively on our own. We may find comfort and support in the arms of those we love, a close confidant, a respected mentor, or a trusted friend. However, if we only find temporary relief or solace, we will probably find ourselves feeling stuck again, or challenged once more. And the cycle begins again. This is where therapy comes in.

Therapy is not just those with a mental health diagnosis.

Gain Clarity, Perspective, Develop Skills

Seeking therapy does not make you weak, or insinuate that you are a a failure, or incapable, or that something is wrong with you. That's just absolute nonsense and 'm not saying that cos' I'm a therapist. It really takes incredible strength, courage and awareness to acknowledge that you need help and to accept it when it arrives. Imagine the vulnerability you have to confide in a complete stranger your deepest fears and harshest insecurities. Those who go to therapy are truly their own heroes.

It is social norm that we are encouraged to keep our bodies healthy. We try to eat well, exercise and see our doctors for our annual physicals. We are bombarded by social media posts about nutrition and exercise, and what about the convenience of those home delivered prepared meals? We have to get a physical for life insurance purposes, and our medical insurance even pays for us to have an annual physical with our doctors. So why should our mental health be any different?

It shouldn't! Our mental and emotional health is just as important to maintain a state of balance and well being. When the wellness of our mental and emotional health is hindered, we experience dis-ease within our emotional state, and very often this trickles into our physical bodies as well. Research has shown how our bodies react to anxiety, stress, emotional hurts and trauma. I'm sure you may have experienced one time or another, some kind of physiological effect from your emotional state. Think back to a time when you were about to do something that you were really nervous or anxious about. Was your heart racing? Did your stomach churn and felt all knotted up? Perhaps you were sweating and breathing really hard? Maybe you had trouble sleeping the night before? All of that is your body sending you signals about your emotional state. Now imagine how many other signals our amazing bodies gives us that we ignore? Headaches, tension in our necks, digestive issues, could these possibly be related to our mental health? Very possibly.

Therapy is an investment in our health. An investment we make to ensure that we can function well both in our professional life and at home with our partners, our children, our family and friends. Finding a state of homeostasis emotionally and mentally helps keeps our physical bodies healthy, just like eating the right foods or exercising does. Besides therapy can teach you lifelong skills to help you be a happier human being. Wouldn't that be kinda nice?

When you come to therapy, the expectation is that you are coming to each session with an open mind, and a willingness to share and be vulnerable. The therapy space is a SAFE ONE. There is no judgement from your therapist. There are there to listen and to be your guide. They are there to teach you skills, help you process and be your objective sounding board. You will share with your therapist your expectations and goals for therapy, then together as a team, you and your therapist will come up with a plan to help you meet those goals. Your therapist will help you gain clarity, open your mind to different perspectives, and challenge you to develop and practice new skills that you can use in your daily life to help you in those difficult moments. As therapists, we want you to feel confident to tackle the challenges that may come your way, years after you're done with therapy. Remember, you are not alone. You don't have to do it all by yourself.


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